As far as the Bulk SMS service providers are considered in India, SMS World is a name that is famous for customizing the services according to the needs of the customers.
SMS World provides a subscriber Opt in SMS option to receive SMS from a particular community or entity. SMS World sends a message to the subscriber and if he/she opts for the messages, and remember this solution is not meant for marketing purposes as it is sent just to the few particular numbers. The Opt in SMS service of SMS World can be opted by any company, individual or community in the country just with the purpose to send important updates. This SMS solution comes under the Transactional SMS Route Gateway.
You can stop, subscribe through the SMS compulsory, it is a high priority Transactional SMS gateway, Alpha Numeric 6 characters Sender ID which is automatically assigned to the clients. Once successfully Opt-in, the member receives an SMS.
Community Opt in SMS Services of SMS World can be utilized by any company, individual or community to send necessary updates and the SMS route is treated as the Transactional type of SMS Route Gateway.
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